A long table was set up with crêpe making necessities: batter, Nutella, a variety of jams, butter, and sugar. An assembly line of frantic mothers churned out the crêpes, which were served on massive platters on another table. Basically, for an hour, the children were free to gorge themselves on sugary crêpe goodness while frolicking about the courtyard in their costumes. I was imagining all the sugar filled time bombs being sent home promptly to their parents, and couldn't help but laugh. My students quickly noticed my presence, and descended upon me in mob form. "Meez Jamieeeeee!" They shrieked, unable to contain the combined joys of costumes, crêpes, and their prof d'anglais! Those without weapons threw their arms around me, while those with guns and knifes fired upon me and pretended to stab me. Surrounded on all fronts, there was no escape from their Nutella streaked faces and sticky fingers, and I should probably seek out a good dry cleaner before my winter coat is seen in public again! I suppose it was worth it, it was one of the most eventful Fridays I've had in quite awhile.
Ringo, Louis XIV, John and Rambo.
The coats detract from the overall effect!
The crepes look delicious!! Fair warning, I plan to eat my way across the country when I come to visit you!!